What the village Priddy in southern England has to do with Mary Magdalene and Joseph of Arimathaea

The small village of Priddy in the Mendip Hills, close to Glastonbury, consists of a few houses, a church, a village school and a pond. Nobody would ever think – not even the villagers themselves – that the village has an indirect connection to Mary Magdalene.

In 49 A.D. Joseph of Arimathaea travelled with his nephew Jesus II (also known as Jesus Justus) to England. According to the established church this Jesus II never existed, because we are talking about none other than one of the two sons of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. However, all those of you who are open to new information that has been hidden away from the public for so long, the existence of this son is not to be ignored.

In the ancient traditions of southern England, and in William Baker’s renowned song Jerusalemwe can see that Joseph of Arimathaea lived and worked with ‘young Jesus’ in the area around today’s Glastonbury.

For a long time, people assumed this young Jesus, who was talked about in legends and manuscripts, was Jesus himself in his younger years. But recent historical research has revealed that Joseph of Arimathaea was Jesus’ brother, not his uncle.In other words, this young Jesus was his nephew, Jesus II, one of the sons of Mary Magdalene and Jesus – and not Jesus himself.

Jesus II or: it cannot be what may not be…

I am aware that many readers cannot and do not want to accept this interpretation. Therefore, of course, you can choose to accept or reject this explanation, or simply keep an open mind – it’s up to you.

Joseph of Arimathaea and Jesus II were walking along the coast of Exmoor until they reached Mendip Hills, where they settled down. Already in Roman times different metals were mined in this area. Today this hilly landscape is a popular place for hiking, climbing and visiting caves.

According to ancient traditions dating back to Gildas the Wise, Joseph of Arimathaea was a Decurio.This describes leading figures in a community who often ran a metal mine as well. He was said to be tin trader with a wide knowledge of mining and processing of metals which he shipped from the south of England to Jerusalem.

Memorial stone for Mary Magdalene and Jesus at Glastonbury

In the southern wall of the Lady Chapel in Glastonbury there is a ‘Mary-Jesus-stone’. Most interpretations relate the stone to Mother Mary and Jesus, but there is another meaning which has become clearer in the last decades.

This stone, which dates back to the first century, could be a memorial stone laid by Jesus II, in memory of his parents Jesus and Mary (Magdalene) and engraved with their names. He and his uncle Joseph of Arimathaea started to build the first chapel/church in Glastonbury in 63 A.D., immediately after Mary Magdalene’s death in the south of France.

Historical records (1) hint at the idea that young Jesus dedicated this chapel/church to the memory of his parents. If this is true, he therefore dedicated it to his mother Mary Magdalene and not Mother Mary, as mistakenly assumed. Thus this Lady Chapel would be another St. Mary’s Church which was originally dedicated to Mary Magdalene and not Mother Mary, such as many Notre-Dame-churches in France and other countries in Europe.

The present time reveals more and more information about Mary Magdalene, previously kept from the public, or deliberately manipulated. I am confident that, in the future new findings and research will continue to alter the traditional unbiased view of Mary Magdalene. At least for those of us who are sensitive, and possessed of an open mind. As the saying goes, “Who has an ear, let him hear!”

P.S.: In the picture gallery you can see photos of Priddy and the Mendip Hills, below photos of the Lady Chapel with the Mary-Jesus-Stone in Glastonbury.



(1) the most important chronicles concerning Glastonbury are: William of Malmesbury (1090-1143), De Antiquitate Glastoniensis Eclesiae, and John of Glastonbury, Cronica sive Antiquitates Glastoniensis Ecclesie (about 1400), Woodbridge 1985

Mary Magdalene

What the Mists of Avalon have to do with Mary Magdalene

As I was reading the world bestseller ‘The Mists of Avalon’ 20 years ago, I did not have the slightest idea how important Mary Magdalene would be in my later life. And then, I did not know about the connection between her, Glastonbury and the Queens of Avalon.

Mary Magdalene’s sons in the south of England

Historians discovered that Joseph of Arimathea arrived with his nephew Josephus (the youngest son of Mary Magdalene and Jesus) in the west of England in 63 A.D. The arrivals were treated with suspicion by the locals, but King Arviragus of Siluria gave them, and the twelve missionaries who arrived with them, 580 hectares of land. There they built a small church made of clay. In the course of the centuries it was extended, until eventually the Abbey of Glastonbury developed, whose ruins today still attract thousands of people.

Already in the year 49 Joseph of Arimathea travelled with the twelve-year-old Jesus II (Mary Magdalene and Jesus’ oldest son) to England. The same names for father and son, often cause confusion. This is also the reason why so many people think that Jesus himself was in England.

Glastonbury – the most magical place in England

According to folklore Jesus II had a memorial stone placed into the clay chapel of Glastonbury, in memory of his parents. Supposedly it can be still seen on the southern wall of the Lady Chapel at Glastonbury. It carries the inscription ‘Jesus – Mary’, whereby Mary does not apply to Jesus’ mother, but Mary Magdalene.1

Glastonbury is supposed to be the most magical of all places in England. The hill of Glastonbury Tor is said to have been the island of Avalon which was surrounded by marshes, and thick fog, which only the initiated were able to cross. It was also the centre of the wise Druids, one of King Arthur’s retreats, and the supposed hiding place of the Holy Grail (which I want to look at more closely in another blog).

Avalon – the former kingdom of mists

Numerous ruins and legends are the witnesses of a magical past whose centre is Glastonbury Tor, the highest hill far and wide. On its top a famous ruin reaches up into the sky, a relic of the former church spire of St. Michael.

Glastonbury is a mystical and holy place that attracts numerous people from all over the world. The most important English ley-line runs directly through Glastonbury. It connects Avalon with Saint Michael’s Mount in Cornwall, and also the great stone circles of Stonehenge and Avebury. It continues up to the northwest of England. Sensitive people can feel the energies of this power place, knowing that around Avalon and Glastonbury Tor there are special, magical powers.

King Arthur, Morgaine, Viviane and Mary Magdalene

Avalon also plays a big part in the legend concerning King Arthur which developed in the 5thcentury. It says that the healer Morgaine le Fay cured Arthur in Avalon, after he had been gravely injured in battle. But Avalon and Morgaine are more than legendary figures. After years of research, the internationally renowned British historian and genealogist Laurence Gardener worked out the bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene from the past, forward to the present.

In doing this he came across names, such as King Arthur, Lancelot or Viviane, who can all be dated back to Mary Magdalene and Jesus’ line of descendants, as well as Joseph of Arimathea, Jesus’ brother. To us, living in the 21stcentury, this might sound weird and unbelievable, but the truth is often just beneath the surface of legends, or Christian traditions, which are meant to distract, or sometimes deliberately mislead us.


1 Also Joseph of Arimathea is often simply called ‘Joseph’ which makes people confuse him with Joseph, Mother Mary’s husband. Names like Mary, Joseph, David, etc. were terms for positions within the spiritual societies they belonged to.

Allgemein Mary Magdalene

In the footsteps of Mary Magdalene’s descendants in Scotland

Although I really want to talk about Mary Magdalene’s descendants, I should start with Joseph of Arimathea. It is important to know that Joseph of Arimathea was ‘a prominent member of the Council, who was himself waiting for the kingdom of God’ (Mark 15:43), and, at the same time, one of Jesus’ disciples.

Joseph of Arimathea – brother of Jesus

However, historical research has discovered that Joseph of Arimathea was Jesus’ brother. In the 9thcentury, the church declared him to be Jesus’ uncle, probably in order that he could not be connected with the Messianic line of Mary and Joseph, and Jesus.

As long as Joseph was ‘only’ considered to be Jesus’ uncle, and not another son of Mary and Joseph, the tales of Mary’s Immaculate Conception through the Holy Spirit could continue. This becomes a hard thing to believe as soon as you know that Mary gave birth to eight children.

But let’s, for a moment, concentrate on Joseph of Arimathea. Between 63 and 64 A.D he built, together with twelve missionaries who had come to England with him, a little chapel in Glastonbury. It was made of clay, and in later years a monastery was added. But this theme I shall return to in a later article.

Joseph of Arimathea (who, like Jesus, was descended from King David) was married and his bloodline continued down the years. 20 generations, and about 500 years later, the famous King Arthur was descended from this line.

Josephus, son of Mary Magdalene and Jesus

Also Jesus’ and Mary Magdalene’s bloodline started in Britain as their second son Josephus, who came to Glastonbury with his uncle Joseph of Arimathea, married a daughter of Nicodemus. I refer to the man who was said to have helped Joseph of Arimathea to bury Jesus (John 19,30).

Josephus’ bloodline – and therefore the direct descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene – produce, a few hundred years later, some famous persons, such as Viviane d’Avalon del Acqs, and also Morgaine d’Avalon del Acqs, Lancelot and Parcival.

What has this to do with Scotland? Well, just south of the town of Penrith are the ruins of Pendragon Castle. Legend states that this castle was built by King Arthur’s father. The High History of the Holy Grail emphasises that Arthur’s court was there. This is confirmed by the French Suit de Merlin and the British legend Sir Gawain and the Carl of Carlisle and The Avowing of King Arthur.

King Arthur’s Round Table is a geometrical earth wall in the former royal gardens underneath Stirling Castle. For centuries it has been a mysterious place. Although the present site was established in the 1620s, people assume that its central hill with a flat top is much older. Documents, dating back 600 years, already connect this sight with the legends of King Arthur.

Mary Stuart – a descendant of Mary Magdalene and Jesus

Last but not least, the Scottish line of the Stuarts is supposed to go back to Joseph of Arimathea; the Breton line, through the so-called ‘Fisher Kings’, from Jesus’ and Mary Magdalene’s youngest son Josephus. The most renowned and vibrant person of this dynasty is most definitely Mary Stuart. For a long time, she was misjudged, and her personality was, deliberately or not, misrepresented. Only recently – such as her ancestor Mary Magdalene – she has been rehabilitated in some way.

The ruins of Loch Leven Castle, an hour north of the Scottish capital of Edinburgh, is still a silent witness to the many captivities Mary Stuart had to suffer during her lifetime.


Mary Magdalene